Faculty Presentations
Dr. Carrie Castaneda-Sound presented a poster at the annual conference of the American Political Science Association in Chicago, Illinois on August 31, 2013. The piece, "Civic Exclusion and Subjective Well-Being: The Changing Impact of Naturalization and Documentation Status on Immigrants' Life Satisfaction and Health Appraisals, assessed how civic status shapes subjective well-being among Latino immigrants. These effects vary across temporal and regional contexts, which may be attributed to variations in the political climate. Finally, these results speak to the conditional impact of administrative policies on the quality of life for immigrants.
Here is a list of Dr. Carrie Castaneda-Sound's Presentations:
- Rogers, G., & Castañeda-Sound, C.L. (March, 2015). Mentoring of Women from Three Perspectives: Multiculturalism, Feminism, and Spirituality. Presented at the annual Women and Leadership Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
- Castañeda-Sound, C.L, Gallardo, M., & Arredondo, P. (2014, October). Meaning and Purpose in the Lives of Latina/o Psychologists: What Sustains Us? Roundtable presentation at the biennial conference of the National Latino/a Psychological Association. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Castañeda-Sound, C.L., Edwards, L., & Reynaga-Abiko, G. (2014, October). Mamá y Profesional: Intersecting Roles, Expectations and Opportunities. Roundtable presentation at the biennial conference of the National Latino/a Psychological Association. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Comas-Diaz, L. (Chair), Brown, L., Bryant-Davis, T., Castañeda-Sound, C.L., Taylor, S., & Tummula-Narra, P. (2014, August). Dear Sister/Friends: Working with Intimate Female Friendships in Psychotherapy. Roundtable discussion at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association in Washington, D.C.
- Castañeda-Sound, C.L., & Garcia, D., (2014, August). Feminist Ethics and Considerations of Training Needs of Latina Bilingual Therapists. Roundtable discussion at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association in Washington, D.C.
- Diaz, D., Sanchez, J., & Castañeda-Sound, C.L. (February 2014). Translation issues and strategies among mental health trainees. Presented at the CAMFT Student Research Conference. San Francisco, California.
- Sanchez, J., Diaz, D., & Castañeda-Sound, C.L. (February 2014). Challenging the social stigma of therapy in the Latino culture. Presented at the CAMFT Student Research Conference. San Francisco, California.