Africana Students of Psychology and Education Association
Mission Statement
The Africana Students of Psychology and Education Association (ASPEA) of Pepperdine University is an academic and professional organization of African American Psychology and Education students dedicated to improving opportunities in the areas of mental health and education. The purpose of the association is to support, guide, and direct African American students in academic, professional, and social endeavors.
We recognize the need to act positively in the development of the African American community, to encourage cooperation and closer ties between members of the Psychology and Education African American student community, and to establish a vehicle through which our collective voice is heard by Pepperdine University and the community at large.
In addition, we acknowledge the common goals which bond student and professional organizations of diversity and we aspire to foster relationships with these groups. We welcome all student participation to further these goals.
Vision Statement
To promote the academic and professional development and success of African American students.
To increase social support among African American students through the use of mentorship programs with graduate and doctoral students.
To encourage community outreach involvement while actively participating in volunteering programs and service-oriented activities. In addition, organizing and identifying the needs within the African American community of central Los Angeles, CA.
To provide advancement in the preparation of career goals through internships, conferences, and workshops.
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Faculty Sponsor
Dr. Daryl Rowe
Professor of Psychology, Pepperdine GSEP