Margaret J. Weber Distinguished Lecture Series
The Margaret J. Weber Distinguished Lecture Series welcomes respected thought leaders to speak on issues of key importance to developing intellectual and spiritual growth.
Established in 2014 through an endowment given by alumni and friends to honor dean emeritus, Margaret J. Weber, Ph.D., the lectures support GSEP’s mission to foster academic excellence, social purpose, meaningful service, and personal fulfillment.
2024-2025 Event Schedule
Navigating Disasters with Faith and Fortitude
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Pepperdine University, West Los Angeles Campus | Room 333, and via Zoom
Mass disasters and personal crises can upend our lives, leaving us searching for meaning,
strength, and hope. To discuss the intersection of faith, resilience, and disaster
response, the Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology welcomed Dr.
Jamie Aten, Founder and Co-Director of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute and Blanchard
Chair of Humanitarian and Disaster Leadership at Wheaton College.
As a disaster psychologist who has spent 20 years researching, responding to, and personally experiencing disasters—including surviving Hurricane Katrina and battling stage IV cancer—Dr. Aten shared scientific wisdom and spiritual insights on resilience and compassionate care. Whether facing personal hardship or large-scale tragedies like the recent California wildfires, this lecture offered practical steps for finding hope and help amidst adversity.
Dr. Aten’s book, A Walking Disaster: What Surviving Katrina and Cancer Taught Me about Faith and Resilience, was available for purchase and signing.
Cultivating Belonging: Inclusive Leadership in Action
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Pepperdine University, West Los Angeles Campus | Room 203, and via Zoom
In partnership with the Work-Life Integration Project, GSEP was pleased to curate
a space for leadership and belonging conversations, practices, and take-away tools.
Anchored by keynote speaker Minette Norman, author of The Boldly Inclusive Leader and co-author of The Psychology Safety Playbook, Minette expounded on the neuroscience of belonging, highlighted methods to interrupt
personal defensive reactions and structure inclusive meetings. Focusing discussions
of creating an inclusive culture in our personal and professional lives was amplified
from the shared space of our leadership panel, which included Pepperdine alumni Dr.
April Harris Akinloye, Dr. Elena Einstein, Dr. Veronica Ufoegbune, and Dr. Amanda
Wickramasinghe. The Q&A element provided in-person and online attendees with remarkable
reflection opportunities and a brave space to connect with the Pepperdine community
on a deeper level.
To conclude the event, a dedicated media lounge was open for attendees to connect
with speakers, participate in the purchasing and signing of Minette Norman’s books,
and have opportunities to engage with GSEP service departments. As guests made their
way to the media lounge, they visited various partnerships that attended the seminar,
exchanged meaningful interactions, captured photographs, and engaged in mentorship.
This space facilitated intimate connections among leaders in the community, guest
speakers, and students, fostering networking and a sense of belonging.
Faith and Spirituality: The Upward Spiral of Mental Health and Education
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Pepperdine University, West Los Angeles Campus | Room 203, and via Zoom
Pepperdine GSEP welcomed Dr. Lisa Miller, Ph.D., professor of psychology and education
at Columbia University, Teachers College, and founder of the Mind Body Institute,
the first Ivy League graduate program and research institute in spirituality and psychology,
who was joined by Pepperdine GSEP's own Dr. Edward Shafranske who together discussed
the impact of spirituality on mental and physical health as well as applying the science
of spirituality to K-12 education.
Following their presentations, Pepperdine faculty and attendees discussed integrating religion and spirituality in their professional practices as educators and clinicians.
Generation Anxiety: How to Stay Afloat in an Uncertain World
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Pepperdine University, West Los Angeles Campus | Room 203, and via Zoom
GSEP alumna of the psychology doctoral program, Dr. Lauren Cook, returned to the West
Los Angeles campus to present “Generation Anxiety “as part of the GSEP Margaret J
Weber Distinguished lecture series.
Focusing on empowered acceptance, Dr. Cook led attendees through exercises to assist in accepting our anxiety and the realities of this world. “Working through anxiety is like riding a wave. Over time, we see just how capable we are,“ shared Dr. Cook. Knowing that acceptance is not enough, Dr. Cook challenged the attendees to realize power lies in our perspective. While we can’t control our thoughts, we can control our response — seeing rejection as a gift and a time saver and seeing failure as a sign that we are showing up for ourselves, and learning valuable information.
Dr. Cook ended the session with a stat from Melanie Greenberg‘s The Stress-Proof Brain, “85% of the things that people worry about never actually happen.” Keeping this quote in mind, Dr. Cook encouraged listeners to have self-compassion while challenging themselves to face their fears.
2022-2023 Event Schedule
The Role of Women in a Changing Society
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Pepperdine University, West Los Angeles Campus | Room 203, and via Zoom
In celebration of Women's History Month, the Pepperdine Graduate School of Education
and Psychology welcomed a lifelong activist in community development and an accomplished
educator, Dr. Carmen Estrada Schaye. Recently appointed by the President of the United
States, Joe Biden, to the prestigious Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, Dr. Estrada
Schaye is also the national first vice president of diversity for the National Women’s
Political Caucus.
Dr. Estrada Schaye took attendees on a brief but deep dive into the history of women’s
progress and setbacks in society. In doing so she highlighted female change agents
and trailblazers from 1854 to today.
This event is presented in collaboration with the Center for Global Partnerships and Learning.
A recording of this event is viewable here.
Prioritizing the Humanity of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Efforts
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Pepperdine University, West Los Angeles Campus | Room 203, and via Zoom
The word humanity is from the Latin humanitas, which means "human nature, kindness.” Humanity includes all humans, but it can also refer to the kind feelings humans often have for each other. The Margaret J. Weber Distinguished Lecture Series’ February event will focus on the humanity of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts from a spiritual, organizational, and law perspective.
Our panel of leaders will discuss the intentionality required for DEI efforts from a human-worth viewpoint to flourish. We’ll examine what the absence of, or resistance to diversity might look like; growing as an individual; supporting your organization’s health; and practical tools you can implement in your space to feel and promote the greatness of humankind through humane treatment and DEI efforts.
Presented in partnership with the GSEP Diversity Council.
A recording of this event is viewable here.
Iran: Woman, Life, Freedom
Monday, November 21, 2022
Pepperdine University, West Los Angeles Campus | Room 203, and via ZoomThrough a conversation with our panelists, the Fall Distinguished Lecture Series discussed
the impetus for the calls for change in Iran, how members of our GSEP community and
the Iranian community at large are processing and responding to the crisis, as well
as ways we can all educate ourselves more on the situation. Original artwork created
by Iranian artists in response to the wave of protests was also on display.
A recording of this event is viewable here
2021-2022 - Event Schedule
Christ In Action - Leaders Living Out Their Faith In A Secular World
The spring Margaret J. Weber Distinguished Lecture Series hosted industry leaders to explore the Lecture theme for 2022, "Christ in Action." The weekly webinar speakers provided insight from their professional and personal experiences on how God has redefined success in their lives and continues to make their work more effective, reliable, and lasting.
Thursday, March 3, 2022
"Be Not Afraid, Christ Is with You"
Josefina Castillo Baltodano, J.D., Founder and Executive Director of the Executive
Leadership Academy, UC Berkeley
Learn more and register for the Zoom
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
"And There Are Many Obstacles"
Julianne Malveaux, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Ethnic Studies, Cal State Los Angeles
In 1 Corinthians 16:9, the apostle Paul writes, "because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many obstacles." With 1 Corinthians as her guiding verse, Dr. Julianne Malveaux, Dean of the College of Ethnic Studies at California State University, Los Angeles, discussed the inevitable challenges that come when one is called to do effective work.
A recording of this event is viewable here.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
"Fearless Leadership"
Sandy Heydt, Founder and CEO, Heydt Marketing & Development
Advisor, Space Perspective
How did a woman with degrees in social work and psychology end up as a business start-up
authority, an organizational turnaround guru, and the Chief Marketing Officer for
a commercial spaceflight company?
Sandy Heydt, Founder and CEO of Heydt Marketing & Development, as well as Advisor at Space Perspective, shared her non-traditional professional journey. She discussed the challenges and achievements of her career, including what she has learned about transferrable skills, and the benefits of embracing fearlessness.
Inspired by the fearless leadership of Jesus Christ, The Buddha, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Desmond Tutu, and Mother Teresa, Sandy believes that leading with humanity is the only option for a person who seeks lasting and meaningful results in business, and that leading with humanity demands fearlessness.
A recording of this event is viewable here.
2020-2021 Event Schedule
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Virtual event
Women in Leadership: Navigating Through Power Structures, Personal Challenges, and a Pandemic
The Margaret J. Weber Distinguished Lecture Series welcomed a dynamic panel of female leaders to share lived experiences and perspectives to inspire all genders. More than just another "women's history month event," these pioneers offered advice for obtaining "stretch-opportunities" for professional growth, expanding networks, and accessing resources.
Moderated by respected family law practitioner, Stacy D. Phillips, the panel discussed navigating the contours of power related to gender, race, and the political structure in an organization, and the role male advocates and managers play in addressing workplace challenges faced by under-represented employees, particularly women. They also shared how the pandemic has amplified obstacles and created opportunities that did not previously exist.
Panelists include:
Christine Deschaine, Senior Vice President and Kennedy Wilson, a global real estate investment company
Kara Katz, CEO and Founder, Riff App
Chickie Leventhal, Founder and Owner, Chickie's Bail Bonds
Christal Morris (EdD ' 17), SVP, Global Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Peloton
Denise Pines, Immediate Past President, Medical Board of California
A recording of this event is viewable here.
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Virtual event
Deconstructing Us: Self-Interrogation at the Intersection of Christian Worldview & Social Justice
Dr. Anita Phillips - trauma therapist, life coach, and host of the podcast "In The Light with Dr. Anita Phillips"
In joint sponsorship with the Caruso School of Law (CSOL) Dean's Speaker Series, the Weber Distinguished Lecture Series at the Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology welcomes Dr. Anita Phillips to examine how cultural contexts misshape the image of God and riddle our Christian worldview with blind spots that breed and maintain schisms in the community of Christ, including racial division.
Dr. Phillips holds degrees from the University of Maryland and Regent University and completed an NIH-funded postdoctoral fellowship at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She serves on the Advisory Board for the Boris L. Henson Foundation and the Faith Communities Task Force for the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. Dr. Phillips also hosts a weekly podcast titled, "In The Light with Dr. Anita Phillips" where she brings a new dimension to the faith and mental health conversation.
A recording of this event is viewable here.
2019-2020 - Event Schedule
Tuesday, January 23, 2020
The Ritz Carlton Marina Del Rey
GSEP Urban Initiative 2.0 Community Dinner
The Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP) held an Urban Initiative 2.0 Community Dinner to recognize trailblazer alumni honorees who have worked tirelessly within their communities since the founding of GSEP in the mid-1970s. Renowned professor, author, philosopher, and activist Dr. Cornel West delivered an inspiring keynote address to the attendees from the various partner organizations and supporters of the GSEP Urban Initiative in attendance.
Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn, who has a family history association with Pepperdine, presented former Dean Helen Easterling Williams and GSEP with a commendation of congratulations for the celebratory event from the County of Los Angeles. The evening closed with the reciting of the GSEP Urban Initiative Pledge by all in attendance. View the Urban Initiative pledge here.
The Urban Initiative of the Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP) seeks to link community partners committed to understanding and addressing the mental health and educational issues of the underserved in Los Angeles and around the world. The aim of the Urban Initiative is to develop transformative solutions to social problems that have both a humanitarian value and are grounded in problem-oriented perspectives.
Alumna Merelean Wilson, Chancellor Sara Jackson, Alumna Dessie Burns Kelly,
Supervisor Janice Hahn, alumna Dr. Avery Ruth-Shaw, and alumnus Dr. Anthony Francisco
2018 -2019 - Event Schedule
Living and Learning with Civility
The 2018-19 series is centered on the quote from Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Each event will host a speaker or panel who will explore thought-provoking ideas, anchored in civility to produce positive change.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
West LA Campus | 7-9 PM | Room 203
The Triple-Bottom Line of Social Entrepreneurship in Sports and Entertainment
Christine Simmons - Chief Operating Officer of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and former President and Chief Operations Officer of the WNBA Los Angeles Sparks
The Weber Distinguished Lecture Series at the Pepperdine Graduate School of Education
and Psychology welcomed Christine Simmons to speak on the importance and multiple
benefits of social entrepreneurship in business and culture, specifically sports and
entertainment. As chief operating officer of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
Sciences, Simmons oversees the day-to-day management and elevation of the Academy's
internal organization, including the Academy Foundation and educational programs.
Her life philosophy has always been "do more - do good - do well." In her view, as
a leader, she is responsible for more than managing a business or franchise, but to
also inspire and champion girls and women to be leaders who make a cultural impact.
Simmons served as president and chief operations officer of the WNBA's most successful franchise business operation, the Los Angeles Sparks. Prior to taking the helm of the three-time league championship team, Simmons served as executive vice president of Magic Johnson Enterprises, as well as holding senior positions at both Disney and NBCUniversal. She currently serves on the advisory councils for Women in Sports and Events and Next Play Capital. In October 2018, Ebony magazine included her in its "Power 100" list of inspiring African Americans.
Taking place in West Los Angeles, this event is free to the Pepperdine community and
to the public.
Registration is required. Join in the discussion of elevating social purpose alongside
corporate profitability.
A recording of the event is viewable via YouTube.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
West LA Campus | 7-9 PM
HATE: Why We Should Resist It With Free Speech, Not Censorship
Nadine Strossen - Former President of the American Civil Liberties Union
Nadine Strossen expertly dissects constitutional law to share current challenges to our civil liberties today, stimulating thoughtful consideration of democratic ideals. With her expert knowledge of the Constitution, Strossen is a unique and valuable resource for understanding the context behind policies and legislation that curtail civil liberties, such as freedom of speech. In her new book, HATE: Why We Should Resist It With Free Speech, Not Censorship, she explores how speech is protected under the constitution and how free speech can be used to counter hate speech.
Twice named one of "The 100 Most Influential Lawyers in America" by The National Law Journal, Strossen draws from her two decades as president of the American Civil Liberties Union and current post as professor at New York University Law School to highlight the dangers that follow efforts to serve justice by limiting civil rights. She also offers useful and applicable strategies for achieving positive outcomes without violating Constitutional rights. From government surveillance and the decriminalization of drugs to sexual harassment and more, Strossen makes even complex issues accessible through the use of illuminating statistics and true-life stories.
A recording of this event is viewable via YouTube
Thursday, November 8, 2018
West LA Campus | 6-8 PM
Don't Forget About Me! The Importance of Character Development for All Generations
Dr. Ilene Bezjian, Executive Director / Western Region for the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation
Established in 1861, The Medal of Honor is the highest accolade for bravery that can be awarded to members of America's armed forces for exceptional acts of valor. Recipients of the Medal of Honor founded the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation to educate and inspire Americans about the values embodied in the Medal of Honor: courage and sacrifice, commitment and integrity, citizenship and patriotism.
The Executive Director of the Western Region for the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, Dr. Ilene Bezjian, discussed the importance of character development to support individuals, families, communities, and nations that thrive. With 30 years of higher education experience, Dr. Bezjian has developed unique programs and opportunities for faculty and students alike, including a global program taking students around the world in one year while earning an MBA. Additional programs include a Masters in Public Accounting, an online MBA and Master of Arts in Management both online and face-to-face. She served as Dean of the School of Business and Management at Azusa Pacific University for 14 years and a professor of marketing for 20 years. With more than 1300 students, 6 undergraduate programs and eight graduate programs, she led the 25 faculty through the steps of AACSB accreditation process.
Dr. Bezjian sits on the board of Life Pacific College, The Smith Christian Foundation, Devoe School of Business and assists with the boards of A Million Thanks, and Working to Give. Additionally, she has served in support positions for the military throughout her husband's 37 years of military service.
A recording of this event is viewable via YouTube
Thursday, October 18, 2018
West LA Campus | 7-9 PM
Race and the Internet: The Digital Shadow
Theo E. J. Wilson - YouTube activist, Speaker, Slam Poet
YouTube activist Theo E.J. Wilson was spurred by the racist comments individuals posted on his videos to assume an "alt-right" persona and pretend to be a member of the white nationalist movement. The ensuing conversations informed his presentation, "Race and the Internet: The Digital Shadow," a discussion about civil conversations, especially when people disagree.
Theo E.J. Wilson is the executive director of Shop Talk Live, Inc. The organization uses the barbershop as a staging ground for community dialogue and healing. In 2013, Wilson began speaking with "Rachel's Challenge," an organization dedicated to ending school violence through compassion. After viral video success beginning in 2015, he published his first book in 2017, The Law of Action. The book addresses some of the misconceptions about the law of attraction and the role direct action plays into manifestation.
With a passion for social justice, Wilson began his speaking career in the N.A.A.C.P
at the age of 15. He attended Florida A&M University, where he obtained his B.A. in
theater performance. Upon graduating, he interned as a full-time actor at the St.
Louis Black repertory company. Wilson is a founding member of the Denver Slam Nuba
team, who won the National Poetry Slam in 2011.
2017 -2018 - Event Schedule
Civility: The Intersection of Faith, Intellect, and Culture
GSEP aims to be a think tank for higher education. With the Distinguished Lecture Series, we focus on important topics with civility. Collectively, we can have civil disagreements and civil discourse, all leading us to take action in a direction that will bring about a better self, society, and world. The 2017-18 lecture series will continue to explore the themes of faith, intellect, and culture and host individuals to inspire and challenge.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
West LA Campus | 7-9 PM
The Intersection of Clinical and Commerce
Dr. Karen Khaleghi - co-founder of Creative Care Mental Health Treatment Centers
Dr. Karen Khaleghi and her husband Dr. Morteza Khaleghi founded Creative Care Mental Health Treatment Centers, one of the first recovery centers in Malibu, CA. Creative Care was the first to treat individuals with co-occurring disorders. Their inpatient, dual-diagnosis treatment programs and dedicated, in-patient psychiatric facility has been guiding patients to the path of recovery since 1989.
Dr. Khaleghi shared her personal and professional experience in effectively working as a clinician in the field. As a practitioner and business owner, Dr. Khaleghi guided those in attendance to couple their education and training with business savvy to achieve success.
Friday, March 9, 2018
Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles | 7-9 PM
Prophetic Fire
Dr. Cornel West - Philosopher, Author, Activist, and Endowed Visiting Professor at Pepperdine GSEP
GSEP welcomes back Dr. Cornel West, professor, philosopher, author, and activist, who is now a visiting professor at Pepperdine GSEP for the Spring semester in the Doctor of Philosophy in Global Leadership and Change, and Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership programs. Dr. West was invited to speak at the Weber Distinguished Lecture Series for his ability to offer ideas, spark discussion, and move our community to reflect on humanity and act with civility. His lecture Prophetic Fire is open to the public and will encourage attendees to live and inspire through more than ordinary means. His melodic words often soothe, yet his content drills down to the most salient point of the issues of our day. Bookmark this link to watch a portion of the 2018 lecture live.
"These are the times that test women and men's souls. Thomas Paine was right." - Dr. Cornel West
Watch a portion of Dr. West's 2017 Lecture
For questions or for additional information contact:
Vanessa Jahn