M.A.P. Outreach
M.A.P. Outreach is a student organization at the Irvine Graduate Campus dedicated to fostering identity development among MA students at Pepperdine University. M.A.P. Outreach was developed to create a unique culture for master of arts students by facilitating events for students to utilize one another as resources and support systems while in school. Workshops are focused on specific topics relating to master's students and include personal, professional, and educational development. M.A.P. Outreach is a student-driven club that was created by master's students for master's students.
We appreciate student involvement and feedback. Please use the email address listed below to send us your ideas and suggestions, so we can tailor our events to meet your professional goals and development.
For more information, email us at M.A.P.Outreach@gmail.com or visit our Facebook page.
Faculty Sponsor