Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT)
The teaching performance assessment consists of a Teaching Event completed during the teacher candidates’ semester of student teaching. Successful completion of the teaching performance assessment is required by the California Teaching Commission to earn a California Preliminary Multiple Subject or Single Subject Teaching Credential.
General Information
- TaskStream
- PACT Website
- Teaching Event Handbooks
- Rubrics
- Support Documents
- Making Good Choices
- Academic Language
- Teaching Event Authenticity Sign-Off Form
- Remediation Statement
- Teacher Performance Expectations
Useful Links and Information
- Video & Technology Help
- Video will now be compressed automatically when you upload it into TaskStream. All video will be available via video streaming. File limits have increased to 500 MB per video.
- TaskStream Helpline – 800-311-5656
- Obtain parental consent forms prior to any video-taping of the classroom.
- Theorists: Educational Psychologists, Theorists, Researchers, and Authors
- Elliot Aronson (cognitive dissonance theory)
- David Ausubel (subsumption theory, advance organizers)
- Albert Bandura (social cognitive theory and self-efficacy)
- James Banks (multiethnic education)
- Alfred Binet (measurement of intelligence)
- Benjamin Bloom (classification of educational objectives and to the theory of mastery-learning)
- Ann Brown (guided discovery, metacognition)
- John D. Bransford (how people learn)
- Jerome Bruner (cognitive learning theory, philosophy of education, discovery learning)
- Linda Darling-Hammond (restructuring, teacher education, and educational equity.)
- John Dewey (pragmatism, educational progressivism)
- John Flavell (metacognition)
- Neil Flemming (VARK; Learning styles: Visual, Auditory, Reading, Kinesthetic)
- Paulo Freire (critical pedagogy)
- Robert Gagné (conditions of learning, computer based learning)
- Howard Gardner (theory of multiple intelligences)
- Donna Golnick (multicultural education)
- Anthony Gregorc (student learning styles)
- David Kolb (experiential learning theory)
- C. Bonwell (active learning)
- Maria Montessori (absorbent mind, child centered alternative educational method for children)
- Sonia Nieto (multiculturalism)
- Seymour Papert (cognitive science, constructionism, discovery learning, asynchronous learning)
- Jean Piaget, (theory of development, genetic epistemology, constructivism, discovery learning)
- Lee Schulman (pedagogical content knowledge)
- Lev S. Vygotsky (social cognition, distinction between lower and higher mental functions)
- Robert Yager (science/technology/society)