Special Events and Recognitions
Upcoming Special Events
Easter See's Candy Yum-Raiser
2024 Community Health and Awareness Fair
Valentine's Day See's Candy Yum-Raiser
3rd Annual Movie Night Fundraiser
Step Forward Day
2023 Community Health & Awareness Fair
Annual Double Good Fundraiser
2nd Annual Movie Night Fundraiser
Step Forward Day
In honor of Step Forward Day, GSEP's Urban Initiative 2.0, Alumni Relations and Diversity Council partnered with the Foster Grandparent Program in adopting a long-time station partner and academic staple in South Los Angeles, Normandie Christian School (NCS). RSVP to attend a fun-filled day of giving as we support Normandie Christian School: HERE (see flyer for details).
How to Support
Wish List (Drop-off or electronically send school supplies and equipment for NCS' teachers and students): https://linktr.ee/GSEPAlum
Donate directly to Normandie Christian School: https://www.normandiechristian.org/donate/ (Make sure to include WAVES in the notes!)
RSVP for the Community Gathering: https://engage.pepperdine.edu/s/lt-event?id=a2n4N000001nBKqQAM
Pearl Williams Day Park Clean-Up and Community Gathering
Join us on Sunday, May 22, 2022 for the Pearl Williams Day Park Clean-Up and Community Gathering! Click HERE or scan the QR Code below to RSVP by Wednesday, May 18, 2022! Check out the flyer below for more information.
FGP Book Drive
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Park Clean-Up and Community Gathering
Join us on Friday, January 14, 2022 for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Park Clean-Up and Community Gathering! Click HERE or scan the QR Code below to RSVP by Friday, January 7, 2022! Check out the flyer below for more information.
FGP Movie Night
Thank you, Foster Grandparent volunteers and all of our supporters, for the memorable night! We look forward to continuing fun bonding events, as we celebrate the Pepperdine GSEP Foster Grandparent Program's 50th anniversary.
Child Tax Credit
The American Rescue Plan increases the Child Tax Credit (CTC) from $2,000 to $3,600 for every child under 6 years old and $2,000 to $3,000 for every child 6 to 17 years old. Note: tax filers receive the CTC automatically; however, non-filers can still sign up at ChildTaxCredit.gov by November 15, 2021. For more information about the Child Tax Credit, click the following links: English Flyer or Spanish Flyer.
Pepperdine GSEP Foster Grandparent Program wants to support in this effort by raising public awareness and helping non-filers sign up in the Los Angeles County community. Stay tuned for more details about information sessions, trainings, pop-up information tables, etc. Contact Monica.Pereda@pepperdine.edu for more information!
International Day of Older Persons - October 1st
October 1st is International Day of Older Persons! It is a day to spread awareness about the issues affecting older adults. The theme for 2021 is Digital Equity for All Ages, advocating for access and meaningful participation in the digital world for older persons.
Pepperdine GSEP Foster Grandparent Program is doing its part by equipping and training all of the volunteers with the necessary technology to continue service throughout the pandemic and beyond.
Click here for more information about International Day of Older Persons!
9/11 Remembrance: LA Sparks Game
Thank you, LA Sparks and all of our supporters, for the amazing event! We look forward
to a continued partnership, as we celebrate the Pepperdine GSEP Foster Grandparent
Program's 50th anniversary.
National Senior Citizen's Day - August 21st
On August 19, 1988, President Ronald Reagan declared August 21st as National Senior Citizen's Day! National Senior Citizen's Day recognizes the achievements, services, and contributions of seniors in our communities. It is a day to show appreciation to all seniors across the United States!
How to Observe #SeniorCitizensDay
- Contact your friends, family, and neighbors over the age of 55 and share your gratitude!
- Use #SeniorCitizensDay to post on social media!
- As a senior citizen, check your local stores and restaurants for discounted prices and promotions for seniors!
Double Good Fundraiser
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - June 15th
What is Elder Abuse?
Under California law, elder abuse can be both criminal and civil. Criminal elder abuse occurs where any person who knows that a person is an elder and willfully causes or permits any elder to suffer, or inflicts unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering on the elder. It also covers situations where a person willfully causes or permits the elder to be placed in a situation in which elder's health is endangered. (Penal Code Section 368) Civil law defines civil elder abuse to mean physical abuse, neglect, financial abuse, abandonment, isolation, abduction, or other treatment resulting in physical harm or pain or mental suffering. It also means the deprivation by a care custodian of goods or services that are necessary to avoid physical harm or mental suffering. (Welfare & Institutions Code Section 15610.07)
How to report Elder Abuse?
Immediately, or as soon as possible, make a telephone report to elder welfare services and/or to a Police or Sheriff's department near you.
Elder Abuse Contact Information: Call (877) 477-3646
For more information about elder abuse in Los Angeles County, visit http://da.lacounty.gov/seniors.
Pepperdine's Foster Grandparent Program Nancy Reagan Celebration
On Tuesday, July 6, 2021, The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute hosted the Nancy Reagan Centennial Celebration in Simi Valley, California! Upon invitation, 34 volunteers and 4 program staff attended the celebrations honoring Nancy Reagan and her accomplishments.
Among the notable guests paying tribute to Nancy Reagan, Former Governor of California, Pete Wilson, recognized the FGP volunteers, Dr. Shanetta Weatherspoon and the program's overall contributions to the Los Angeles County community. Thank you to The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute for the invitation and support of the FGP!
Happy Birthday, Nancy Reagan!
Pepperdine's Foster Grandparent Program Efforts with COVID-19
The CDC found older adults to be of higher risk for COVID-19. While our Foster Grandparent volunteers are social distancing, all of the volunteers continue to suffer from the effects of loneliness and low to extremely low-income. In home isolation, many of our Foster Grandparents are unable to obtain essential supplies, like water, non-perishable food, and cleaning supplies.
With this in mind, Pepperdine's FGP partnered with a local organization, True Essence of Love (Charlotte White) and her initiative of Operation Putting Love to Work during this time of great need. Charlotte White and her team donated over 280 bags of essential supplies. Each bag included toilet paper, cleaning supplies, food, and water for each of our Foster Grandparent volunteers. In April and May, Operation Putting Love to Work and Pepperdine's FGP joined together to coordinate no-contact pick-ups and deliveries to each of our Foster Grandparent volunteers.
Here are a list of ways you can continue to contribute during this crisis:
- Donate supplies: Supplies that are needed include water, non-perishable foods (i.e., canned goods, peanut butter, rice, beans, etc.), and disinfectant/cleaning supplies (i.e., Clorox wipes, tissue paper, and paper towels). All donates can be delivered to the collection zone in Lakewood, California. Please email Shanetta.Weatherspoon@pepperdine.edu if you are interested in this option, so we can coordinate your generous delivery.
- Make no-contact deliveries: You may volunteer to make no-contact deliveries (no more than five)! Our Foster Grandparent volunteers live across Los Angeles Country between zip codes 90001 to 91105 (see attached Los Angeles Zip Code Map). Please email Monica.Pereda@pepperdine.edu if you are interested in this option, so that we can coordinate your generous support to volunteers in your proximity!
- Donate: You may donate to the emergency fund during this crisis using this link: https://give.pepperdine.edu/gsep/fostergrandparents. (Designate "ER Fund" in the notes section). Your contribution will support our program during this crisis!
Check out our feature in Los Angeles Sentinel, recognizing the program's efforts in the midst of COVID-19! Click the link and scroll to A-12.
GSEP Give2Pepp Carnival Give Night
On Wednesday, March 11th, 2020, Pepperdine honored its 1937 founding with a 37-hour celebration, as Pepperdine faculty, staff, alumni, students, and community members give back to their Pepperdine passions!
On Tuesday, March 10th, from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, the Graduate School of Education and Psychology participated in the Give2Pepp tradition by throwing the Give2Pepp Carnival Give Night. The Foster Grandparent Program teamed up with Alumni Relations and GSEP to support the event with our Foster Grandparent volunteers! The Foster Grandparent Program hosted a booth at the carnival, where many of our Foster Grandparents attended and volunteered themselves!
If you would like to learn more about Pepperdine Gives (formally Give2Pepp), please visithttps://givingday.pepperdine.edu/pages/home-2265.
Foster Grandparent Program Featured on The Kelly Clarkson Show
On October 22nd, 2019, two of our Foster Grandparents, Grandma Patricia Ford and Grandma Delores Williams, and our Program Director, Dr. Shanetta Weatherspoon, made their television debut on The Kelly Clarkson Show! In case you missed it, click the link to see the incredible impact our Foster Grandparents are making in the community!
2018-2020 Awards and Recognitions
In 2019, the Foster Grandparent Program was featured in the President's Report 2019, by the President of Pepperdine University, Jim Gash. Click the link to see our feature in "The Ascent". In the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year, the Foster Grandparent Program was awarded a number of achievements and recognitions. The program was awarded the NACo Achievement Award in 2019 for being an innovative county government program. Also, the Foster Grandparent Program implemented a Trauma-Informed Culturally-Responsive (TICR) Training for Mental Health Awareness Month on May 24th, 2019. 75 of our Foster Grandparents, as well as more than 25 staff, faculty, and community members learned strategies that promote their mentees' socio-emotional health and connectedness with others in the community, including their teachers, peers, and parents, in order to be able to provide the support needed to prevent negative outcomes like suicide. Thank you, Dr. Isaiah Pickens, of IOpening Enterprises, for hosting the training and improving our Foster Grandparents' ability to handle their own personal trauma and mental health, as well as their mentees'. In addition, thank you to the California Mental Health Services Authority for awarding the Foster Grandparent Program the CalMHSA Grant, allowing this training and future trainings to be implemented relating to mental health awareness and suicide prevention.
Additional Recognitions
We would also like to give thanks to:
- The Corporation for National and Community Services
- Our Advisory Board Members
- Our Station Partners
- Pepperdine University's Graduate School of Education and Psychology
- Pepperdine University's Research, Grants, and Foundation Relations
- The Graduate School of Education and Psychology's Budget Planning and Student Finance Department
- All of our Foster Grandparent Volunteers!
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to the Foster Grandparent Program in the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year. We look forward to teaming with you for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year!
Credit to the Photographer
Rasheed Prescott