PsyD Performance Indicators
Each program at GSEP has established a set of indicators for ensuring that graduates of our programs are meeting certain performance standards. The indicators reflect what is commonly expected by higher education in general and the profession specifically. Although GPA is certainly one indicator of performance, it tells only a small part of each student’s academic journey. Higher education best practices encourage the use of multiple indicators of student performance, which typically involve some form of a culminating academic experience such as a field experiences or practica, dissertations or other major research projects, comprehensive examinations, capstone courses and projects, and e-Portfolios.
For this program, the following indicator(s) are considered for assessing performance standards. Additional details for the performance indicators will be provided as you progress through the program.
- Students must obtain an overall rating of Pass or Pass with Distinction to successfully complete the Clinical Comprehensive Examination for Predoctoral Internship Readiness.
- The percentage of students who secure APA or APPIC predoctoral internship sites must be equal to or exceed 75%, with the majority of those students placed in APA approved sites.
- The percentage of applicants for licensure who pass the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) Licensing Exam must be equal to or exceed the national and California state pass rates for designated and accredited doctoral programs.