General Information
MFT licensure - information on MFT licensure in other states besides CA
Health World Online - A general information site that provides articles on a wide range of health and mental health topics.
Mental Health America - An informational site that covers topics such as advocacy, outreach, prevention, and general mental health.
National Alliance on Mental Illness - This site provides information on the biological basis of severe mental disorders.
National Institute of Mental Health - A general mental health information site.
Psych Central - A multifunctional site that contains lists of newsgroups, mailing lists, websites, and articles for consumers.
Psych Web- A general guide to mental health resources on-line
PsycSite - Information, resources and links in a variety of categories for psychology and related careers
Society for Personality and Social Psychology- Membership in SPSP is open to students as well as professionals; anyone interested in personality and social psychology is welcome to join. The benefits of SPSP membership include publications, annual conference events, public interest activities, and support for student education and research.
Society for Consumer Psychology - The Society for Consumer Psychology is the premier voice to further the advancement
of the discipline of consumer psychology in a global society.
Social Psychology Network - One of the largest Internet sites devoted to psychological research and teaching. In these pages, you'll find more than 18,000 links related to psychology.