Career Links for Ed.D. in Educational Leadership, Administration, and Policy
California School District Websites
ED-JOIN (Education Job Opportunities Information Network) is perhaps the most comprehensive source for teaching positions in California, An increasing number of school districts are requiring applications submitted on line through EdJoin. There are links to teacher recruitment centers throughout California, including LAUSD, Los Angeles area schools, and San Diego and Orange counties. Resume/application can be entered on line, but it is not necessary to do so in order to access job postings. Also maintains updated list of education career fairs/recruitment fairs in California.
WASC Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accredits schools and colleges. Can look up private schools to check their accreditation status.
AALA Associated Administrators of Los Angeles. LAUSD administrator website. Has position postings for principals, assistant principals, and district administrative positions.
ACSA Association of California School Administrators posts positions for school administrators in California, in collaboration with EdJoin.
CSBA California School Board Association professional organization for school boards; has position postings for superintendents and related positions.
Los Angeles County Office of Education website. Has PDF file of all school districts in Los Angeles County, with their schools listed (addresses, phone numbers, grade ranges, enrollment, and principals); also overview of Los Angeles county school demographics.
Map of San Diego County school districts.
Orange County Department of Education website. Has links to websites of school districts in Orange County.
Great Schools an alphabetical listing of school districts in California. Can search/sort by city, school or district. Shows profile for districts and schools, addresses, phone numbers, enrollment. Also has parent reviews.
TeachWave - K-12 teaching and administrative positions. Need to register to search positions.
Teachers-Teachers has teaching and administrative positions. Need to register, submit resume to view jobs.
Education America. K-12 teaching and administration; most outside California.
Education and Enrichment search for public, private, and charter schools in the L.A. area. Provides school names and contact information.
National Association of Secondary School Principals
American Association School Administrators
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
California Association of Independent Schools accredits private schools and posts position openings at them. NOTE: Check with GSEP Credentials Administrator if you plan to use such a school to satisfy the student teaching requirement of the teacher credential program, as it may or may not meet Pepperdine's requirement for this.
CCSA California Charter Schools Association The California Charter Schools Association is the membership and professional organization serving charter public schools in California. Learn more about Charter Schools & search job listings.
Western Boarding School Association has links to college preparatory schools in the western states, by state. Not a job search site, but has information on such schools.
ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) Teaching and administrative positions in North American Christian schools, including California, and overseas. NOTE: Check with GSEP Credentials Administrator if you plan to use such a school to satisfy the student teaching requirement of the teacher credential program, as it may or may not meet Pepperdine's requirement for this.
Higher Education
Academic Careers Online Job posting website for colleges
Academic 360 Collection of links for the academic job hunters
ChronicleCareers, website of Chronicle of Higher Education
HigherEdJobs, positions in higher education.
California Community College Registry. Positions at California Community Colleges. Has registry, but it is not necessary to register in order to search position postings.
Southern California Higher Education Recruitment Consortium
Job listings at member southern california colleges, universities, and community colleges:
links are to college websites.
University Job Bank Positions in higher education
Academic Careers Online Positions in higher education. May occasionally have K-12.
Southern California Educational Institutions A portal offering links to the websites of the University of California System. California State University System, Community Colleges, Other Universities & Colleges, County Offices of Education, K-12 school districts, Libraries, Museums, and Other Resources.
Nation Job Network K-12 and higher education; teaching/faculty and administrative; public and private; most may be outside CA.
Community College Jobs and Resources Center
PhilanthopyCareers - Chronicle of Philanthropy's site. Positions at non-profit and philanthropy-related.
Non-Profit Directions. Job postings for non-profits.
Idealist.Org Action without Borders - Over 59,000 nonprofit and community organizations in 165 countries, which you can search or browse by name, location, or mission.
Opportunity Knocks is your source for nonprofit jobs. Log in today and find a new job!
General Search Engines
General job bank - all fields. Can search for position type by keyword. Can input resume. Password needed to apply for some jobs.
Southern California Educational Institutions. A portal offering links to the websites of the University of California System. California State University System, Community Colleges, Other Universities & Colleges, County Offices of Education, K-12 school districts, Libraries, Museums, and Other Resources.
Jobstar is a service of the Los Angeles public library. It is a portal offering links to other job search websites.
USAJOBS is the official job site of the United States Federal Government
Fee-based listserves
Education Jobs has K-12 teaching, administration, and coaching positions; in public, private, charter, independent, Montessori, and religious schools.
Placement Services and Sites
Cal / West Educators Placement specializes exclusively in the placement of qualified teachers and administrators in independent and private schools throughout California .
Kelly Educational Staffing offers immediate opportunities in education as a Substitute Teacher. We provide Kinder through 12th grade teachers to public and private schools in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Gain valuable experience while you complete your credential or upon completion. Enjoy a flexible schedule, immediate affordable medical benefits and school year end bonuses. Email or call us today! (562) 425-6019
Carney, Sandoe & Associates have been recruiting teachers and administrators for independent schools since 1977. Apply on-line, learn more about independent schools, find information on recruitment conferences, link to Peterson's Guide and key graduate programs, explore summer school programs and internships.