Pat-Lucas Center
Student Quotes

My Pepperdine experience as a student for the Graduate School of Education and Psychology was enriched by the Pat Lucas scholarship. I thank the Pat Lucas scholarship for their sponsorship because it helped to alleviate my family's financial burden as a graduate student. I had to calculate if I had enough fuel in the gas tank to make the daily trek to student-teach at South Gate, take night classes at the West LA Pepperdine campus, and finally arrive back home to Koreatown but the Pat Lucas Scholarship gave me enough capital to not worry about transportation.

Pursuing a teaching credential and master’s degree in education, I was unable to work while attending school. The first person in my family to attend college, I had many financial responsibilities, including paying for tuition, textbooks and materials. The Pat Lucas scholarship enabled me to worry less about the financial constraints of being a student and helped me stay focused in pursuing my academic goal of becoming a teacher.”