Margaret J. Weber Distinguished Lecture Series welcomes Dr. Carmen Estrada Schaye

In celebration of Women's History Month, the Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology welcomed a lifelong community development activist and Pepperdine GSEP alumna, Dr. Carmen Estrada Schaye, to deliver the keynote on the changing role of women in society. Dr. Estrada Schaye is the first vice president of diversity for the National Women’s Political Caucus. Recently she was appointed by the President of the United States, Joe Biden, to the prestigious Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. The Margret J. Weber Distinguished Lecture Series and the Center for Global Partnerships and Learning collaborated on this event as part of a month-long recognition of the work and achievements.
Dr. Estrada Schaye took attendees on a brief but deep dive into the history of women’s progress and setbacks in society. In doing so, she highlighted female change agents and trailblazers from 1854 to today. The lecture, delivered with an extensive photo montage, allowed attendees to hear and see nearly two centuries of inspiring history. A recording of the session can be viewed here.
Established in 2014 through an endowment given by alumni and friends to honor dean emeritus Margaret J. Weber, Ph.D., the Margaret J. Weber Distinguished Lecture Series supports GSEP’s mission to foster academic excellence, social purpose, meaningful service, and personal fulfillment.