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ABA Techniques: Strategies for Behavior Analysts

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Understanding the ins and outs of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) can make a big difference whether you're a current practitioner or considering this career path. In this guide, we'll review ABA techniques used to modify behavior.

What is ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis)?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific approach focused on meaningful change. It's an evidence-based practice that aims to improve behaviors that are socially significant, like communication skills and social skills, through observation and data-driven decisions.

ABA therapists analyze behavior patterns and apply interventions based on these assessments. The techniques are varied but grounded in psychological principles, making ABA a gold standard in behavior modification.

Who Can Benefit from Applied Behavior Analysis?

Primarily known for its success with individuals with autism—especially children with autism—ABA is incredibly versatile. It's used in educational settings to create a conducive learning environment and in therapy sessions aimed at developmental disabilities. It can also be a lifeline for adults struggling with challenging behaviors in everyday life. Beyond healthcare, ABA is even applied in organizational behavior management (OBM), assisting companies in refining their operations for better performance.

The use of ABA techniques is diverse, targeting specific behavior skills that need to be developed or modified. Whether it's enhancing alternative behaviors in children with autism or refining communication abilities in adults, ABA is adaptable. And it's not just about managing challenging behaviors; it’s also about enriching everyday life through the improvement of essential life skills.

ABA Techniques

From classic strategies like reinforcement to more nuanced approaches like behavior chaining, these techniques are the building blocks for creating personalized therapy programs. Let's get into the details.

Positive and Negative Reinforcement

Both positive and negative reinforcement offer unique approaches to behavioral intervention and are often used in tandem for a more holistic strategy. They play crucial roles not just in dealing with challenging behaviors but also in teaching new skills and improving quality of life for individuals undergoing therapy.

Positive Reinforcement

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In ABA therapy, positive reinforcement is a cornerstone technique for encouraging desired behaviors. By following a behavior with a rewarding outcome, the chances of seeing that behavior again are increased. This approach is straightforward yet powerful in building behavioral skills and enhancing social interactions.

Negative Reinforcement

Negative reinforcement is another pivotal method in ABA therapy. Just like with positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement increases skills. However, the strategy is to remove an unpleasant element as a "reward" for displaying the desired behavior. 

Visual Modeling

Visual modeling is another therapy technique widely employed in ABA, particularly helpful for autistic children who may struggle with traditional verbal instructions. This method often incorporates various forms of visual aids like charts, pictures, or even video modeling. The aim is to make complex concepts or behaviors easier to understand and apply in daily lives.

  • Video Modeling: A video is used to demonstrate specific behaviors or skills, allowing the individual to watch and then replicate the action. It's a compelling way to teach daily living skills, social interactions, or even body language.
  • Charts and Pictures: Visual aids can serve as quick reminders or guides, easily accessible and understandable. They can be particularly effective for teaching routines or schedules, thereby easing the process of integrating new behaviors into daily lives.
  • Verbal Prompts with Visual Aids: Using verbal instructions alongside a chart can reinforce the learning process, catering to both auditory and visual learning styles.

Prompting and Fading

Both prompting and fading are essential for effectively instilling new behaviors and skills. While prompting helps initiate the action, fading ensures that the individual can maintain it on their own. These techniques offer a seamless way to incorporate new skills into daily life, making them staples in many therapeutic approaches.

  • Prompting: In the initial stages of learning a new behavior, cues or "prompts" are given to guide the individual towards the desired action. These prompts can be verbal, physical, or even environmental. It's a common technique used to help individuals recognize how to respond  in various situations.
  • Fading: Once the prompted behavior starts to become more natural, the next step is to use fading. This involves the gradual removal of the prompts, allowing the individual to perform the behavior independently over time. The end game here is self-sufficiency, enabling people to carry out desired actions without external cues.

Behavior Chain

Behavior chaining is a specialized teaching method in ABA that's especially effective when children with autism learn complex tasks that require multiple steps. This technique focuses on breaking down a task into bite-sized steps, which are then taught sequentially to make the learning process more manageable.

Breaking Down Tasks

The initial phase involves deconstructing a complex task into its individual components. For example, if the goal is to teach a child how to tie their shoes, the task is broken down into small steps like crossing the laces, pulling them tight, making the loops, and so on.

Teaching Each Step

Once the task is broken down, a behavior technician or ABA therapist focuses on teaching each step in the sequence. Key skills within each step are targeted, whether they involve motor skills, language skills, or other abilities essential to completing the task. The individual practices one step at a time, only moving on to the next when they've successfully mastered the previous one.

Behavior Contracts

Behavior contracts take a formal approach to behavior modification, offering a tangible framework that spells out expected behaviors and the associated rewards or consequences. This technique is particularly effective in addressing behavioral disorders, including disruptive behaviors. 

At its core, a behavior contract is a written agreement between the individual and another party, often a therapist or caregiver. The contract clearly outlines what is considered ideal behavior and what isn't.

Positive Reinforcement and Consequences

What sets behavior contracts apart is their dual focus: they not only clarify what is expected but also what will happen if those expectations are met or not. They usually incorporate principles of positive reinforcement, offering rewards for achieving the target behaviors. Conversely, consequences for not meeting these expectations are also spelled out, serving as a deterrent against undesirable actions like disruptive behaviors.


Extinction is a therapeutic technique with the specific aim of reducing or entirely eliminating challenging behaviors. The concept is straightforward but effective: cease providing any form of reinforcement for the targeted behavior, thereby leading it to gradually disappear over time.

When a behavior is continually reinforced, it's more likely to occur again. Extinction operates on the principle of removing these reinforcements, essentially ignoring the challenging behavior. For example, if a child throws a tantrum to get attention, and that attention is consistently denied when tantrums occur, the child will likely stop throwing tantrums over time, as it no longer achieves the desired outcome.

Applications and Limitations

Extinction is particularly useful in addressing behaviors that are attention-seeking or those reinforced by the surrounding environment. However, it's important to note that this method might initially lead to an increase in the undesired behavior, often termed "extinction burst," as the individual tries harder to get the previously expected reinforcement.

While extinction is a powerful technique, it's crucial to apply it carefully and ideally under the guidance of professionals trained in behavioral therapy. Poorly executed extinction can lead to frustration and could even be counterproductive if not properly managed.


Modeling is a teaching technique that embodies the age-old concept of 'lead by example'. It's particularly effective in helping autistic children learn new skills or adopt desirable behaviors. In this approach, a behavior technician or therapist models the desired behavior, demonstrating what it looks like in action. This could be as simple as demonstrating how to tie a shoelace or as complex as showing how to interact in a group setting.

Modeling works well because it offers a visual and experiential form of learning, often more impactful than mere verbal instructions. By observing the modeled behavior, the individual gains a concrete example to imitate, enhancing their imitation skills.

This technique is versatile and can be applied in various environments, from therapy services to a classroom setting. Because it's a flexible treatment approach, modeling can be tailored to meet individual needs, making it an effective treatment choice for a range of behavioral goals.


Redirection involves steering an individual's focus away from an undesirable behavior and towards a positive alternative. This technique is especially useful when working with autistic children who might be engaging in disruptive behaviors.

When a behavior technician or caregiver observes the start of a undesirable action, they intervene by redirecting the individual's attention. This could mean offering a different toy to play with or suggesting a new activity that aligns with the individual's interests.

Redirection can serve as an immediate intervention to stop challenging behavior in its tracks. It’s a go-to strategy in a variety of settings, from one-on-one therapy sessions to classroom environments.

Script fading

Script fading is another useful tool in the ABA toolbox, often employed to build social skills and boost confidence. It involves providing a verbal or written guide to help individuals navigate social situations or complete complex tasks.

Script fading is often used to help people practice specific scenarios they might encounter, such as ordering food at a restaurant or introducing themselves to new people. It's particularly beneficial for autistic children and adults who may struggle with social cues.

This technique can be applied in both one-on-one therapy services and group settings. It's often combined with other methods, such as modeling, to create a comprehensive and effective treatment plan.

Becoming an Applied Behavior Analyst

The field of Applied Behavior Analysis is a rewarding and ever-evolving discipline, and becoming proficient requires a strong educational foundation, practical training, and eventually, certification. Pepperdine University’s Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis program can set you on the path to becoming a fully qualified board-certified behavior analyst.


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The first step towards a career in ABA starts with a solid educational background. At Pepperdine University, the Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis program offers a comprehensive curriculum that equips you with an in-depth understanding of key ABA techniques.

From reinforcement to extinction, students are exposed to a range of methods used in effective treatment and behavior modification. Not only will you learn about the theory behind these techniques, but you'll also see how they can be adapted for diverse populations, making you a more versatile and effective practitioner.


Moving beyond the classroom, gaining hands-on experience is crucial. Pepperdine's program offers a unique practicum course that does exactly that. Under BCBA supervision, you'll work at approved clinical sites, where you'll get the opportunity to apply what you've learned in real-world settings. You're not just a bystander; you'll engage with clients, discuss clinical cases, and receive constructive feedback to refine your practice. This practicum experience allows you to hone your skills and to understand the nuances that can only be learned in a practical, hands-on environment.


After completing the Master's program and the practical training, you’ll be well-prepared to take the next step: becoming a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). This certification is the industry standard and serves as a testament to your skills, knowledge, and dedication to the field of Applied Behavior Analysis. Being a BCBA means you're equipped with both the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to make a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals who can benefit from ABA techniques.

Embarking on a career in Applied Behavior Analysis is not just about obtaining a title; it's about acquiring the knowledge, skills, and credentials to make a meaningful difference. From education to certification, each stage prepares you to be an impactful and empathetic behavior analyst, ready to enrich lives and create positive change.

Start Your Career as an Applied Behavior Analyst at Pepperdine University

Pepperdine’s program takes a comprehensive approach to prepare future behavior analysts. With over 50 high-quality site partners, hands-on clinical practice is a signature component, perfectly complementing a rigorous theoretical study. If you're looking to make a meaningful difference in people's lives through behavioral analysis, Pepperdine University is where you want to be. Start today by requesting more information or attending an info session.