Faculty Spotlight: Abraham Song
Abraham Song, PhD, Assistant Professor at GSEP, publishes a co-authored paper entitled, "The evolution of the global digital platform economy: 1971–2021" in the peer-reviewed Small Business Economics journal together with Zoltan J. Acs · László Szerb · David B. Audretsch · Éva Komlósi.
The study carefully documents the arrival of the information technology revolution. Using a unique database over five decades, authors revisit the hypothesis that new firms were needed to introduce digital technologies. Their study finds that countries that did not promote new firms fell behind in adopting the new technologies. Using a conceptual framework developed in their earlier work, they estimate that the global Digital Platform Economy consists of billions of supply-side and demand-side users, millions of app developers, thousands of digital infrastructure firms, and hundreds of multisided platform firms.
To read the article, please visit https://rdcu.be/cBkNX.