GSEP Faculty and Students Presenting At 2023 AERA Annual Meeting

Congratulations to GSEP’s amazing faculty and students presenting at the 2023 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, April 13-16, 2022.
AERA, American Educational Research Association, is a national research society that
aims to advance education knowledge, encourage education related scholarly inquiry,
and to promote research that might improve education and serve the greater good of
society. It is the world's largest gathering of education researchers and a showcase
for seminal, innovative studies in a wide variety of areas. This theme “for this year
is "Interrogating Consequential Education Research in Pursuit of Truth" which encourages
us to examine and question the impact and outcomes of education research,
to take up this work collectively, and to create a more just and equitable educational system that better serves the needs of all learners.
We are so excited to have over 30 members of our Graduate School of Psychology and Education community presenting at this conference. Is it with pride that we announce such strong Pepperdine representations at this leading conference.
Presentation Details:
Please see all presentations from Pepperdine University.
Sheraton Rounds Thursday 3
Time: Thu, April 13, 2:50 to 4:20pm CDT (12:50 to 2:20pm PDT)
Gender, Work and Higher Education: Discrimination as Perceived Among American Adults
- Lina Safa, Pepperdine University
Connecting the Dots: Language Ideologies, Educational (In)Equities, and Multilingual Realities in North America
Time: Thu, April 13, 4:40 to 6:10pm CDT (2:40 to 4:10pm PDT
Being Bilingual Will Open Doors for Them": French Immersion Educators' Neoliberal
Ideologies on Bilingualism - Kelle L. Marshall, Pepperdine University; Wendy D. Bokhorst-Heng, Crandall University
Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on Education Systems Around the World
Time: Fri, April 14, 8:00 to 9:30am CDT (6:00 to 7:30am PDT)
Exploring Teachers' Perception of Remote Learning Practices in Kuwait: Opportunities
and Challenges - Samaa Haniya, Pepperdine University
AERA Poster Session 7 - 44 SET
Time: Fri, April 14, 9:50 to 11:20am CDT (7:50 to 9:20am PDT)
What Factors in a Bilingual Family Influence Children’s Verbal Working Memory? - Xuanyi Chen, Pepperdine University
Examining the Impact of Multilingual Instructional Approaches and Language Orientations
Time: Fri, April 14, 9:50 to 11:20am CDT (7:50 to 9:20am PDT)
Language Negotiation During Interactive Read-Aloud Activities in Preschool Chinese
Immersion Classrooms - Robin E. Harvey, New York University; Kevin M. Wong, Pepperdine University
Full Sheraton Rounds 2 Friday
Time: Fri, April 14, 9:50 to 11:20am CDT (7:50 to 9:20am PDT)
Secondary Analysis of MSLQ Data of STEM students at a HBCU - Jade Pratt, Pepperdine University
AERA Poster Session 8 Closed - 49 SET
Time: Fri, April 14, 2:50 to 4:20pm CDT (12:50 to 2:20pm PDT)
STEM Career Choice: Middle School vs High School Engagement in an Informal Learning
Environment - Kristina Marie Lux, Pepperdine University; Seung B. Lee, Pepperdine University;
Joelle Molloy, Pepperdine University; Alice Jokodola, Pepperdine University; Racquel
Charles, Pepperdine University
Reading Multiculturalism: Examining Literacy for Multicultural Students
Time: Sat, April 15, 11:40am to 1:10pm CDT (9:40 to 11:10am PDT)
Co-Designing Read Aloud Discussion Guides to Foster Critical Conversations about Multiracial
Identity - Kevin M. Wong, Pepperdine University
Equity and Community Contexts: Implications for Educational Leadership and Policy
Time: Sun, April 16, 9:50 to 11:20am CDT (7:50 to 9:20am PDT)
Race, Poverty, and the Suburbanization of Public School Segregation - Kfir Mordechay, Pepperdine University; Fabian Terbeck
Sunday Fairmont 3
Time: Sun, April 16, 11:40am to 1:10pm CDT (9:40 to 11:10am PDT)
Views of a Biology-focused First-Year Seminar Across Stakeholder Perspectives - Alexandria Muller, University of California - Santa Barbara; Krista L. Lucas, Pepperdine
University; Liliana Garcia, University of California - Santa Barbara
Sunday Fairmont Roundtable 4
Time: Sun, April 16, 2:50 to 4:20pm CDT (12:50 to 2:20pm PDT)
Employee Gender and the Perceived Usefulness of Workplace Certifications and Licenses - Haille Trimboli, Pepperdine University
AERA Poster Session 16 Closed – 41
Time: Sun, April 16, 4:40 to 6:10pm CDT (2:40 to 4:10pm PDT)
Studying Abroad in College: Investigating How A Living-Learning Community (LLC) Impacts
Students - Stella Erbes, Pepperdine University; Eunice Sim, Pepperdine University; Rebecca
Virtual Component
Networks for Leadership Learning and Development
Time: Thu, May 4, 8:00am to Fri, May 5, 6:00pm CDT (Thu, May 4, 6:00am to Fri, May
5, 4:00pm PDT)
Higher Education Funding Model That Incorporates the Triumvirate of Education, Business,
and Government Supported by the Leadership-Followership Paradigm - Mitch Gurick, Pepperdine University
Making and Virtual Reality
Time: Thu, May 4, 8:00am to Fri, May 5, 6:00pm CDT (Thu, May 4, 6:00am to Fri, May
5, 4:00pm PDT)
Comparing In-Person With Online Virtual Reality Immersion: Fostering Nursing Students'
Perceptions of Care and Caring - Megan Nichelle Eberhardt-Alstot; Jaime Hannans, California State University - Channel
Islands; Colleen Nevins
Committee on Scholars of Color in Education Virtual Poster Session
Time: Thu, May 4, 8:00am to Fri, May 5, 6:00pm CDT (Thu, May 4, 6:00am to Fri, May
5, 4:00pm PDT)
More Than Colleagues: Disrupting Antiblackness Through Black Women's Workplace Friendships - Terra N Hall, Pepperdine University; Terri Massie-Burrell, Johns Hopkins University
Theoretical Approaches to Student Motivation
Time: Thu, May 4, 8:00am to Fri, May 5, 6:00pm CDT (Thu, May 4, 6:00am to Fri, May
5, 4:00pm PDT)
Overarching Principles of Social Cognitive Career Theory, Self-Determination Theory,
and Interest-Driven Career Theory Through the Lens of Young Scholars Program - Racquel Charles, Pepperdine University; Alice Jokodola, Pepperdine University;
Seung B. Lee, Pepperdine University; Joelle Molloy, Pepperdine University; Kristina
Marie Lux, Pepperdine University; Eric R. Hamilton, Pepperdine University
Current Advances in Learning Environments Research
Time: Fri, May 5, 8:00 to 9:30am CDT (6:00 to 7:30am PDT)
Engagement Culture: Driving Growth in High-Poverty School Environments by Shaping
Assumptions That Constitute Truth - Laura McReavy Hearnsberger, Reflect Plan Do, LLC.; Laura Hyatt, Pepperdine University
Applying Systems Models to Multiple Contexts
Time: Fri, May 5, 9:45 to 11:15am CDT (7:45 to 9:15am PDT)
Advancing Systems Thinking and the Learning Organization as a Pedagogical Approach
in Doctoral Leadership Studies - Laura Hyatt, Pepperdine University; Stephanie Voss, Pepperdine University; Ryan
Gordy, Experian; Liz Hollerman, Pepperdine University; Julie Robinson, Santa Barbara
Cottage Hospital
Multiple Lenses on Spirituality in Education
Time: Fri, May 5, 2:30 to 4:00pm CDT (12:30 to 2:00pm PDT)
“I didn’t need organized religion to engage with God”: Understanding Black students’
spiritual identity development - Terra N Hall, Pepperdine University
Cross-Cultural and International Interactions in Various Learning Environments
Time: Fri, May 5, 4:15 to 5:45pm CDT (2:15 to 3:45pm PDT)
Fostering cross cultural interactions to promote sociability in a global, informal,
virtual learning environment - Julia Savoca Gibson, College of William and Mary; Danielle Pascual Espino, Pepperdine
Personalized Learning and the Development of Emotional Intelligence in a Global, Collaborative,
STEM-Learning Environment - Megan Hokama, University of Arizona; Taylor Lowe; Yutong Tan; Danielle Pascual
Espino, Pepperdine University; Eric R. Hamilton, Pepperdine University