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Pepperdine | Graduate School of Education and Psychology

MA in Teaching FAQs

 What education requirements do I need to have to apply to this program?

Please visit our Admissions Requirements page for a full list.

 How long is the program?

The MAT program is designed to be completed in 11 months. 

 What is the required GPA?

We ask that you have a 3.0 cumulative GPA from your bachelor's program; however, we review all applications holistically for individuals who show potential for success in our program. If you have concerns about your GPA, you're welcome to include a brief 'GPA Statement of Explanation' with your application.

 What is the maximum amount of time allowed for program completion?

Seven years.

 Where are classes held?

Master of Arts in Teaching (with preliminary teaching credential) is offered at the West Los Angeles and Calabasas campuses*.

*Campus locations are subject to enrollment.

 I am an International Applicant. What additional admission requirements do I need to submit?

Please visit our Admissions Requirements page for a full list.

 Is a Covid-19 vaccination required for this program?

In August 2021, the Office of Governor Gavin Newsom issued a policy to encourage teachers and staff to get vaccinated to stop the spread of COVID-19 in all California public schools.  This policy has impacted requirements to access school sites by administrators, teachers, students, staff, and any other person wanting access.  Although some districts have issued additional or stricter policies than Governor Newsom’s plan, the COVID-19 vaccine mandate to access a school site has prevailed across K-12 districts in the State of California.

The MAT program has worked with partnering districts to ensure teacher candidates have met all the requirements needed to access a school site base on the California COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

If an MAT teacher candidate is not vaccinated, access to student teaching sites may be limited.  Thus, an unvaccinated teacher candidate may be delayed in fulfilling the 600 hours of required minimal clinical experience, 4 weeks of solo teaching, and 14 formal observations needed to be recommended to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), and consequently, the MAT program may not be completed in the 11 months.