Paul Whittemore
Whittemore is a board certified clinical psychologist in private practice specializing in treating depression and relationship problems. He is also an educator who has taught in Family Practice Residency Programs affiliated with USC Medical School and who continues to teach continuing education programs to physicians. Prior to becoming a psychologist, he was a full-time university professor teaching philosophy and religious studies. His publications include empirical research in personality changes, and in the genetics of depression. He has also published interdisciplinary research in philosophy and psychology, and is currently doing work regarding the integration of psychology and religion. He is an active member of APA, CPA, and the Orange County Psychological Association where he also served on the Board of Directors.
- PhD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Clinical Psychology)
- PhD, Vanderbilt University (Philosophical Theology)
- MA, Vanderbilt University
- Mdiv, Nazarene Theological Seminary
- BA, Eastern Nazarene College