Jack Mayhall
Dr. Jack Mayhall is a licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and Marital and Family Therapist specializing in individual, couples, and family therapy in a private practice setting, as well as the Executive Director of The Center for Professional Counseling in Valley Village CA. He is a Jungian Family Systems oriented psychotherapist with over 25 years of experience as a therapist and 15 years as Department Chair of the Marital and Family Therapy Department of The California Graduate Institute of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology specializing in Psychodynamic Systems Theory. He supervises interns as a CAMFT Certified Supervisor, addressing topics of Marriage, Archetypal Psychology, Family Systems, Psychology of Men, and the Alchemy of relationships and teaches graduate students (Pepperdine University, Pacifica Graduate Institute, formally Alliant International) in the art of theoretical applied clinical practice. Dr. Mayhall is the former Clinical Director at the United States Veterans Initiative. WASC and Joint Commission Liaison.
- PhD, California Graduate Institute/The Chicago School of Psychology
- ME, University of North Texas
- BS, University of North Texas
Certificates, Licensure, Awards, and Associations
- Licensed Marital & Family Therapist -California MFC 33009 / 11-14-1995
- Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor-California LPC164 /10-19-2012
- Certified Supervisor-California Association of Marriage and Family Therapist
- Credential-Counselor, California Community Colleges (Lifetime)
- Credential-Psychology Instructor, California Community Colleges (Lifetime)
- Credential-Student Personnel Services, California Community Colleges (L/T)
- Josephine Bernstein Research Award Best Dissertation 1993/Theta Chi Fraternity
- Clinical Member California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
- Clinical Member American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
- Dissertation: The Father’s Role in the Son’s Initiation into Manhood: A Jungian Perspective