Eduardo Lara
Lara is currently a third year doctoral student at UCLA where his research interests include critical race theory, the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality for gay Latinos, and the militarization of urban high schools. He is currently working on his dissertation that critically examines the post-high school academic trajectory of Latina/os who join the military as a way to earn a college degree. Aside from writing, he also teaches courses in socio-cultural foundations of education, theories and methods of second language acquisition, and Chicana/o Studies. In the past, he has also worked in the fields of higher education administration, Latino outreach, community/political organizing, and was a former ESL Social Studies teacher. He earned his bachelor's degree from George Washington University (GWU) where he studied Criminal Justice and Political Science. His master's degree in ESL and Bilingual Studies is also from GWU.
- MED, George Washington University
- BA, George Washington University