Candace Kelly
Dr. Candace Kelly specializes in bilingual education, specifically on issues of linguistic and cultural diversity in U.S. public schools. She is currently teaching Second Language Development, EDTC 674. Kelly's academic activities include her service to the California State Department of Education; she served on the 2008 Content Review Panel for the Reading/Language Arts-English-Language Development Primary Adoption. In addition, she served on the English Learner Professional Development (EL PD) Advisory Committee for AB472. Currently she is author of an EL PD for Urban Education Partnership in Los Angeles. The five-day professional development course is designed for secondary teachers of English learners in all core content areas.
Kelly will present at the conventions for the American Education Research Association and the California Association for Bilingual Education in 2009. Her paper reviews the unintended consequences of the No Child Left Behind Act on teacher and student diversity. Her full-time position is at Riverside Unified School District where she is a Professional Development Specialist at the secondary level for the district's English Learner Services. Her most recent publication is Critical Education Theory, Che Guevara and ESL (ESL Magazine, June 2005, volume 45, and she co-authored with colleague Adelina Alegria Critical Pedagogy in Action: A Case Study of a Biology Teacher. As co-author with Jorge Martinez, she has submitted for review Los Maestros Provenientes de Minorias: Seis aaos despues de establecerse Ningun Nino Rezagado o No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Kelly has a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential with supplementary authorization in English; a Bilingual Cross-Cultural Specialist Credential (Spanish); and a Preliminary Administrative Credential.
- PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara
- MA, California State University, Chico
- BA, California State University, Sonoma