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Pepperdine | Graduate School of Education and Psychology

Career Outcomes: EdD in in Educational Leadership Pre-K to 12

University Administrative Leadership Positions


A principal's role is to directly oversee and manage the academic institution to the best of his/her ability. Duties that fall under this role include budgeting, complying with district policies, overseeing instructional programs and more. 

K-12 Administrator

K-12 administrators can fall under the role of principal, vice principal, assistant, enrollment officers, and more. These roles are responsible for the daily functioning and success of the academic institution and take on tasks such as organization budgeting, curriculum, and more.

PreK-12 Educational Consultant

An educational consultant is a position that requires the maintenance of an academic institution's curriculum and daily functioning to ensure student success. This role can include tasks surrounding the main focus on identifying student's needs and aligning the school to fit those needs. This includes conducting teacher/professor evaluations, holding school meetings and assemblies, and more.

PreK-12 Instructional Coordinator

Instructional coordinators, sometimes referred to as curriculum specialists, are responsible for evaluating the curriculum at a school, and evaluating the success of teaching techniques, specific teachers, monitoring classes, and ensuring that the school is adhering to the curriculum set forth by the school board and state.

University/College Faculty

University faculty jobs include both 2-year and 4-year undergraduate colleges and universities, as well as graduate and doctoral-level programs. University faculty are responsible for providing coursework to students in their department and oftentimes conduct research in their field as well.